StairQuest Hong Kong (Kocher, Schmidlin)

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A serious urban game

Stair Quest – The Quest for The Spirit Dragon is a serious urban game, commissioned as a joint research project between the Hong Kong Stairs Archive and Zurich University of the Arts. The goal of the game is for players to research all the stairs on Hong Kong island, and thereby collecting enough spirit energy to revive an ancient dragon. The game is designed such that the Hong Kong Stairs Archive can extract valuable, crowd-sourced research data from the game. Additionally, a monitor interface is available allowing an audience to observe in-game activity. This set-up was presented at Connecting Spaces in Hong Kong.

I was the lead game designer, programmer and ux designer on the project. The game is fully web-based, and runs on any smartphone. No App installation is required. It employs the JQuery, Bootstrap and Leaflet as frontend frameworks and runs on a customized WordPress-backend. The game was developed over a development phase of six months.

Story & Process

The project was developped by ...

Goals of the project

The goal of the project was crowed sourcing of Stair Data.


Mela Kocher: Narrative Design, Scientific Lead, Project Management, Testing
Stefan Schmidlin: Game Design, Programming (Game, Web, Backend)
Sonja Böckler: Logo Design, Typography
Magenta Chang: Illustrations
Nicolas Büchi: Trailer

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